Are you ready to START your podcast?

Hi, I’m Michelle and I have a knack for clearing away complexity and simplifying everything so that we can focus on what’s really important - tapping into the magic of just showing up as YOU.

In this course, we’re going to bring the magic of YOU to your podcast! If you have a podcast that you keep wanting to start but don’t because you think there’s a “right way” to do it, then I’m here to help you do it YOUR way so you can press publish in a weekend or less.

Why Start a Podcast?

SEO Benefits

There are tools that allow you to easily transcribe podcast episodes and publish them as blog posts. This can improve your website's SEO - which means increased organic traffic and exposure.

Relationships & Engagement

Your podcast is an intimate, easy way to connect with your community. Listeners often tune in while multitasking, such as driving, exercising, or doing household chores. This allows you to capture their attention for extended periods, potentially leading to deeper engagement with you and your brand.


Podcast episodes have a long shelf life. A post made on Facebook or Instagram goes down in value over time. Podcasts, on the other hand, can potentially continue to attract more and more new listeners over time - no matter how old the episodes become.


Here’s what this course will help you do:

Step 1: Set Your Magical Mindset

Get in alignment with the version of you who runs her podcast from a place of peace, joy, and power.

Step 2: Create Your Cover Art

Use my eye-catching Canva templates for creating your podcast cover art and get my tips for improving your podcast cover as you evolve.

Step 3: Record & Publish Your Podcast

I take you behind the scenes of what it typically looks like for me to go from having an idea for something I want to talk about to turning it into a podcast using Spotify for Podcasters (formerly Anchor) so that your podcast can be discovered on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and more!

Step 4: Turn Up the Spotlight and Shine

In this lesson, I share ways that you can make it easy for people to subscribe to your podcast and take the next step in your customer journey.

Step 5: Turn Your Podcast into a Video using Canva

You’ll also learn how I convert my podcast into a video using Canva super easily so that I can repurpose my podcast content on Youtube.


What Piece of Cake Podcast is REALLY all about…


Hi Michelle! Popping in your inbox to say a very big thank you for being a grounding voice in my life that helps me to get out of my head and get my heart and soul work out into the world.

I took your Piece of Cake podcast course and recorded my podcast the same day. I was stuck in isolation (yup Covid AGAIN)  and the solitude, quiet, and your inspiring and motivating course helped me find the rainbow in the cloud. I published my first episode this morning. The podcast is titled Permission Slip. Thank you, Michelle.

With ever more love and gratitude,



Why I Made this Course

I have a special place in my heart for podcasts. I started listening to them years ago at the beginning of my online business - back when most of my income came from cleaning houses for a living. I didn't have time to watch videos or read blog posts, but I could consume thousands of hours of podcasts - and that's what I did and it changed my life. Even while I was scrubbing someone else's floor, I was building a million dollar business in my mind because I had my mentors speaking to me constantly through my earphones.

Today, I create podcasts for the same reason. If I don't have the time or desire to make a video or write a blog post, I make a podcast instead. And I'm mindful of the other people out there who prefer to listen to podcasts because it allows them to simultaneously cook, clean, drive, take a walk while their kid naps in the stroller, etc. Because I’m in their same shoes doing the same thing.

Podcasting is the easiest and fastest way for me to create content and not only that, it's powerful. Because your voice is powerful.

I created this course because I see podcasting as one of the most high-leverage ways of marketing your business - just by showing up as you are. When I look into the future of my business, especially now after quitting Facebook and Instagram over a year ago (which has been going great!), I see myself creating more and more leverage and results with my podcast.

When I look around, I see that people are really over-complicating what it means to start your own podcast. In my course, I'm going to show you my approach (hint: it involves personal development and putting yourself first) so that you can get your podcast up and out in a weekend or less because it really doesn't need to take longer than that to get going.

And the sooner you get started, the sooner you can hit PLAY on what could be on a beautiful new chapter in your business.

Some Quick Facts About Me:

  • 🧼 I used to work as a janitor, nanny, and housecleaner.

  • 💰 I’ve made over a million dollars in revenue in my business - just by being myself and creating what I want.

  • 🇵🇹 I’ve moved from the USA to Portugal with my hubby and two sons.

  • 🎙️ Podcasting is my favorite way to create content!


I have relaunched my podcast! It is called the Art of Being Enough.

I previously had a podcast for about a year. I was feeling as if it was forced and not the true vision of what I wanted my podcast to be so I stopped it altogether.

I took 9 months off and during that timeframe I was feeling as if I wanted to change things up quite a bit when I started again especially since I was changing my business focus as well.

Thanks for your course because it came right at the time that I needed to put the icing on the cake (pun intended!) for my mindset when moving forward with my revamped podcast. I also learned some valuable tools from your course that I didn't know existed.

Thank you so much!


Check out examples from my podcast The Magic is You


Start your podcast today!

and use the power of your voice to attract your true fans

Recap of what you get:

  • Videos, audios, and articles to help you get in alignment with the power of your voice and ability to express your genius.

  • Step by step tutorials to record and publish your podcast.

  • Canva templates for creating your podcast cover art.

  • Tips for using your podcast to turn your listeners into newsletter subscribers and customers.

  • Tips for turning your podcast into a video to repurpose on YouTube.

Before you buy, please note:

  1. If you are already a student of Say Yes to Desire, you do not need to buy this course. It is included in Say Yes to Desire already. ☺️

  2. Due to the digital nature of this product, I do not issue refunds. Please read the sales page properly before making a purchase. You can get in touch with me via the purple chat button in the bottom left corner of the screen if you have any questions. ❤️